Wod Timer For Mac App

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  4. Wod Timer For Mac App Free
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  2. Jun 21, 2017  Download SmartWOD Timer - WOD Timer and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. ‎SmartWOD Timer is a simple and easy to use timer app for all common functional fitness workouts: AMRAP, For Time, EMOM and Tabata.

Whether you’re a professional or not, time is everything. It’s great that we now have timer apps that easily manage time. Recently, we had covered the best Apple Watch Timer Apps. Most of those apps offered a built-in tool for the timer. This time, however, we are focusing on timer apps for Mac in general. You will find options from categories like Task timer apps, Pomodoro Timer apps, Countdown timer apps, etc. We have also included Reminder timers and some time-tracker timers for freelancers.

Read: Top 10 Free macOS Apps to Boost Your Productivity

Interval training, one of the most proven effective exercise methodologies, consists of rounds or work and rest, precisely timed. WOD Timer is the premiere interval timer app available for your iPhone for conducting simple to complex interval workouts, complete with features to help you execute an interval workout with ease. Interval Timer is a website that allows users to create HIIT, circuit training, round, tabata or custom timers to share online with their friends or clients. The website is also allows users of Seconds Pro to share their timers from the app with non-users. SugarWOD is the best workout software for coaches and athletes. Strengthen your box with a system that supports your community, classes, and coaches.

Best Timer Apps for Mac

1. Focus Booster

Category: Pomodoro Timer

focus booster is an incredibly simpler Pomodoro timer app for Mac. However, despite the simple interface, Focus Booster lets you customize things like the length of the session, break duration, etc. You can also sign in to an account and sync time-tracking data between your macOS, iPhone, and Android.

Nevertheless, we wished there was a menu-bar icon for the app. You will have to open the app to know how much time you have left. Also, Focus Booster does not let you add multiple tasks at once. On the bright side, you can have the better workflow, thanks to multi-platform apps.

The app is free, but it does come with some limitation, for instance, advanced analytics are web-only, and the limited number of sessions (20) in the free version

Overall, Focus Booster is the best choice if you need a simple Pomodoro timer with analytics. It’s useful when you have multiple clients and want to track time.

Check Out focus booster (Freemium, $2.99/month)

2. Pomotodo

Category: Pomodoro Timer

Pomotodo, as the name suggests, combines an excellent Pomodoro timer and a task-management list. You can add tasks to the simple interface and also start the Pomodoro timer. However, both these things aren’t integrated i.e. you cannot run the timer for a specific task.

However, when the timer is running, you can mark the tasks complete. Pomotodo has options like Analytics, Stats, Goals, and History. You can go to Preferences and customize the way this timer app works. In addition, Pomotodo also brings multi-device sync and a fully-fledged time management system.

Pomotodo is more than a simple Mac timer app. It offers ample options for time management as well as Pomodoro technique use.

Check Out Pomotodo (Free, Pro starts at $2.9/month)

3. WaitingList

Category: Countdown Timer

WaitingList does exactly what its name says. It lets you create amazing countdown timers that you can find in the menu bar. Just click on the WaitingList icon and there will be a list of things that you’re waiting for. As opposed to other apps, WaitingList prioritizes visual appeal over anything.

The point is that you can create eye-pleasing countdowns easily. WaitingList lets you choose the style as well as the background. You can also get reminders about an approaching event. Last but not the least, the app offers iCloud Sync feature as well.

WaitingList is an awesome choice when you need interactive timers and reminders. It’s a count-down app that makes your events look more exciting.

Check Out WaitingList ($4.99)

4. Timer for Mac

Category: Countdown Timer

Timer for Mac is a general timer app but works awesome for almost all needs. You can use this app to set a stopwatch timer, normal timer or alarms. It also offers a section named Clock, where you can see the current time.

In the free version, you can set reminders along with actions. It focuses on accuracy and ease of use, but an awesome set of features are also there. Going Pro, Timer for Mac can bring you full-screen mode, a better set of programmed actions, etc.

Timer for Mac does many jobs beautifully when you need to set a timer. That having said, you’d need the Pro version if you need some awesome features listed above.

Check Out Timer for Mac (Free, Pro at $29.95)

5. Time Out

Category: Reminder Timer

It’s very important to take frequent breaks — for your health and productivity. Time Out for Mac allows you to run a timer to remind you. When it’s time for the break, Time Out will show you a full-screen message on the Mac screen.

While setting up Time Out, you can decide the desired amount of breaks. You also get features like Micro Breaks and advanced scheduling. Customization is the key of this timer app. From the time to how take-a-break messages are shown, everything can be changed.

Overall, Time Out is the best companion for those who spend hours in front of the PC. It lets you take a break without compromising productivity. Don’t forget to come back on time, though.

Check Out Time Out (Free)

6. Stand for Mac

Category: Reminder Timer

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Stand for Mac is a wonderful Mac timer app for all users. It reminds you to stand up once in a while. The app does not come with any bells or whistles. Instead, you can decide how often you want to be notified about standing up.

The idea of Stand for Mac is amazing indeed. The app does not have a fully-fledged window but Preferences are available from the icon menu. Stand for Mac also plays a sound when it’s time to stand up, but further customization isn’t available.

Timer Apps Free

Pros: Extremely simple and straightforward, no complex set-ups

Cons: None

The Verdict: If you think you have an unhealthy lifestyle of sitting all the time, use Stand for Mac. It comes at no cost, which is great.

Check Out Stand for Mac (Free)

7. Cooking Timer

Category: Kitchen Timer

Cooking Timer is an awesome Mac timer app for chefs out there. It’s pretty simple to use if you’re into some BBQ events or some other cooking. Cooking Timer lets you run three timers at the same time. You can make use of them for different needs.

Coming to the timers, you can use them as Stopwatches or timers itself. In the latter case, choose the desired length from the menu. The single-tap technique makes it easy to manage the timers so that you can focus on what’s being prepared.

Cooking Timer is the simplest solution out there, for all the good reasons. You can use this timer without concerns when you want to focus on the cooking process.

Check Out Cooking Timer (Free)

8. Timing

Category: Time Tracker for Freelancers

Timing is a wonderful time-tracking app for Mac. Compared to the competitors, Timing is automated when it comes to actions. You don’t have to press the Start or Stop buttons. Instead, Timing app will observe and analyze where you are spending most of your time.

At the end of the day, Timing provides a proper report of time consumption. If you are a professional, you can use this data to create invoices and reports. The best part is that you can automate this process too. It’s going to let you set up some rules for report generation.

Timing for Mac is perhaps the best time-tracker for almost every freelancer. You cannot use the app for normal countdown or anything, but the time-tracking part is excellent.

Check Out Timing ($29 for Productivity, $49 for Professional and $79 for Expert)

9. Horo

Category: Time Tracker for Freelancers

Yet another extremely minimal timer app that won’t even make you feel its presence. No extra features than the exact job it needs to execute. The app is available on the macOS App Store and takes a few seconds to get installed. The app is so light on the system that even summoning Siri to know weather updates might take more space on the RAM.

Once installed, you’ll see the ‘hourglass’ shaped app icon on the menu bar. Click on the icon to reveal the tiny app interface wherein you just insert the time and press the play button. That’s it, the timer will start on the count-down display is visible on the menu bar.

The good part about the app is that you can continue with other tasks while the timer would still be visible on the menu bar. And even if you work in full screen it had you covered. It plays a tone upon finishing. You can even change the tone and set a timer creation shortcut in a premium version which doesn’t cost as much.

Download Horo (Free, $2 for full version)

Timer Apps for Mac

The 10 Mac timer apps we have covered are made for unique needs. As it happens, you cannot fulfill all your needs with a single app. For instance, hr, our pick for task management, would be less useful if you need to get reminders on time. In that case, you should go for something like Time Out. By the way, do let us know which tool do you use for timers and time-tracking.

Related: Quickest Ways to Set a Timer on your iPhone?

CrossFit has conquered the fitness world. Except it is heavier than yoga. And apps keep conquering our smartphones, so we give you best CrossFit apps for Android & iOS. From workout trackers to social networks for support and motivation, you’re going to find awesome fitness apps for your phone on this list.

Pocket WOD

Pocket WOD is a very thoroughly designed app that gives you direct access to the official CrossFit WOD on a daily basis. You can choose any WOD and add it to your personal calendar so that you can make up a schedule. With the chosen exercises you can have complete with video demonstrations so that you know exactly how to perform them down to an inch. Naturally, this app comes complete with a variety of timers so that you can tie yourself to a strict workout schedule that will give you the most per workout.

Timer On Mac

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Chronic – A Workout Timer

More on the timing side of things because completing sessions, exercises, and entire workouts within a set time is important for achieving the desired results. This app, obviously, helps accomplish all of that. Besides, you can use it to time your rest periods. Basically, this app is versatile enough to be used for any type of timed training or workout. It’s easy to glimpse at the timer, use the app and track your runs. Chronic has a really cool text-to-speech function. But integration with Health app and Activity Rings apps and a 3D touch support are what makes this app cutting edge. This is truly a great tool for fitness people everywhere.

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Virtual Trainer PRO By Virtual Trainer

This app is promoted as having a personal trainer in your pocket. You don’t question that after you download and try it out. The video instructions are straight-up clear and even beginners can understand them. You have the good old option to choose pre-designed workouts so you know that they work. For the next level users, there is a way more advanced option to create your own workouts by dragging and dropping any of the 700+ exercises. If you are feeling nosy a third option allows to check out workout plans by other users. The app is free but you will need to pay for one of the subscriptions to get full access to all of its features and functions. This app targets every major type of exercise or workout from bodyweight exercises to CrossFit and advanced TRX.

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Beyond the Whiteboard

Beyond the Whiteboard is a simpler app. It just helps you log, plan, and analyze your workouts. You can also post your results and create your own workouts. Tracking your meals and body fat is available as well. You can do a bit of a comparative study as well if you check out how you rank with other CrossFitters. There’s a site-wide results section that lets you do that as well. The app also lets you find what your 1, 3, 5, or 10 rep max on lifts should ideally be. You can analyze to see which ones are your strengths and which ones you need to work on. You are able to keep your info just for yourself or decide who can view what. Simply put, you can throw it out on Facebook.

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Download Wod Timer

CrossFit Games

This one is the official app of the CrossFit Games. With this app, you can see the workouts, submit your scores, and track your ranking. There are different levels to make it easier on you: worldwide, regional, team or masters levels. First, it defaults to your rank and allows you to share your achievements with your friends. The user can personalize the alerts reminding to submit scores. Another alert lets you know when the live events are streaming. Here is a great feature: CrossFit Games allows you to view the live events within the app itself. Unfortunately, Android version is not as good as iOS one.

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Crossfit WOD Log

One more app that tracks your PRs, WODs, and easily shares that data with your friends. WOD log comes with a whole log of features too which we can generally call “Manage your personal records and make them less personal using your Box, Facebook, Twitter or Google+”. 150 pre-designed WODs will not make your creative side sweat. But this app is definitely less popular than other apps on this list.

The app just looks beautiful. Day OneDay One is one of those few apps which make the experience of using the app more powerful than the purpose it serves. Script writing software for macs

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WODster works only with Android. On your Android gadget, this app will let you choose from an ocean of WOD benchmarks. You can show off your experience and write your own WODs or just attach photos to your superior to humanity results. Custom timers are here as well: countdown, TABATA, and stopwatch. Current user rating of this app is 4.7 stars. Quite good.

Wod Timer For Mac App Free

These are technically very good apps. But they are just apps and you should not let them decide everything about your health. Talk to trained prfessionals as well.