Disable Video Capture Software Mac

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  1. Disable Video Capture Software Mac Pro
  2. Disable Video Capture Software Mac Os
  3. Disable Video Capture Software Mac Download

Easy Capture Manager is a small program installed on you PC together with your Samsung printer software. If I am honest, it is a bit annoying as it switches on automatically every time I press Prt + Sc key on the keyboard. Judging from all the comments between my Youtube video I am not the only one who had this problem.

Debut is a video capture and screencast program from NCH Software, available for both Windows and Mac. It has two versions, Professional and Home. And in this video i have shown that how to get the professional version of debut screen capture for free. How To Crack Debut Video Capture For Free Get The Pro Version How to install. Features of the software include device/source capture, recording, encoding and broadcasting. Stream on Windows, Mac or Linux. This software is commonly used by video game streamers on the popular streaming platform Twitch.

As far as I know you cannot delete Samsung Easy Printer Manager without deleting the whole program that you need for your printer. However, there is a very easy way to disable it 🙂


Disable Video Capture Software Mac Pro

Here is my short online tutorial that will allow you to stop Easy Capture Manager from activation. Please follow there 3 easy steps:

#1 Press Prt Scr

First press Prt Scr key on your keyboard. The key is usually located to the right from F12 key. Of course, Easy Capture Manager will start. So annoying 🙂

#2 Take a screenshot

With Easy Capture Manager activated, press left key on your mouse, move the cursor and release the key. By doing so you will create a screenshot from part of your screen and also you will open the whole program.

#3 Turn off easy capture manager

Disable Video Capture Software Mac

Find the Option icon in the Menu (it’s the one with a gear symbol) and click on it. Do i need to install antivirus software on my mac. A small window will pop out with three options. You can change the keys sequence for triggering program to Ctr + Prt Sc or disable it completely by marking “None”. Confirm your choice by clicking OK and close the program. That’s all, now if you press Prt Sc Easy Capture Manager should not start 🙂

Disable Video Capture Software Mac Os

I hope you have found this useful and now know how to quickly turn off Easy Capture Manager. For those who prefer to see this tutorial in video format, please have a look:

Disable Video Capture Software Mac Download

How to disable Samsung Easy Capture Manager: Video tutorial