Cms Pro Dvr Software For Mac

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FLIR Client 12 Software: Adding, editing, and deleting IP Cameras. You can add, edit, or delete IP cameras from your LNK Series NVR from the local area network (LAN) using the FLIR Client 12 software for PC / Mac. NVMS-1000 CMS Software Ver3.4.5.81018 (Required for 2019 DVR/NVR Models) NVMS-1000 CMS Software Ver3.4.0.61217; NVMS-1200 CMS Software For Mac v1.1.3; NVMS-1200 CMS Software For Mac v1.1.2 4/22/2017; IP Tool V2 - Tool used to locate and assign IP address to IP cameras; DVR User Manual. Oct 17, 2018 The Mac software for iDVR-PRO surveillance DVRs now supports remotely viewing analog CCTV cameras and HD security cameras. Watch the below video to see a demo of viewing 1080p security cameras using the software. You can learn more about these hybrid HD security camera DVRs here. The CMS is a professional software that requires minimal learning and understanding of the software’s method of work, but once understood, it offers great features for complex installations and multi branch complexes. Support of up to 1000 devices. Multi device live view. Single login for all devices. Cms dvr software, free download - webEdition CMS, HP DesignJet 1050C and 1055CM Drivers, TiVo Desktop, and many more programs.

  1. Dvr Software For Pc
  2. Software For Mac Free

Want Dahua DVR software for PC free download, here you can get Dahua DVR software for PC free download. Here is the link of download Dahua DVR software for windows and Mac. The Dahua is one the best CCTV camera brand in world in the field of CCTV and provide so many good tools in order to configure their CCTV camera and the other devices. Smart PSS is the software by Dahua technology and you can get it free. In this article we are going to cover how to get Dahua DVR Software for PC free download and its configuration. This software is mainly used to run your CCTV cameras on the PC (Windows or MAC).

We are going to discuss the installation of Dahua DVR software for PC free download and the configuration. The method is very simple for windows but has some trick for the installation in MAC. Ones the installation process is done the we will come to the configuration of the device to watch your CCTV camera on the Dahua DVR software for PC free download. This software is also working for the NVR and for the IP cameras of Dahua. You need to follow some steps below to get your cameras on your computer screen.

Here you can get Dahua DVR software for PC free download. The software is also available for MAC PC also so download as per your need. You need to click on the given link below according to your desire means for windows or for the MAC operating system.

After downloading the software on your computer, lets come to the next step. The downloaded file is in a compressed format so we need to extract the setup. For windows right click on the downloaded file then extract the file on your desired location and for the mac just open the file. Now move to the first step for the Dahua DVR software for PC free download.

Installing the Dahua DVR Software


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Just double click on the extracted file and setup will ask you for the permission for the installation. Click on the “yes” button and setup is about to install. After showing the first screen you have to click some options. First one is for the language, choose a language for that. In my case I choose English. The second one is for accepting the agreement tick on the that and the last one is the next button to move the next screen for the installation process for Dahua DVR software for PC free download.


After click the next button you will get the screen like below. Here are the two options. The first one is for the actual setup Dahua dvr software for PC free download and the second one is for the storage server means if you want to make your PC as a recording server then you should choose that option otherwise uptick that option.


Now come with the new screen asking for the installation path means in which folder you want to install this software on your computer. Just select a path for that if you want otherwise leave as default. The second option is for creating a shortcut of the software on your desktop screen. After that click on the “Install” button.


This software for PC is about to install on your PC. Just wait for some moments and you will get the Dahua DVR software for PC free download.


After completing the installation process you need to finish the installation process. Click on the run “SmartPSS” and click on the “Finish” button

Configuration of Dahua DVR Software for PC Free Download

After installing the software you will get an icon on your desktop named “SmartPSS“. Just double click on that icon and the now follow some step to add your camera on your Dahua DVR software for PC.

STEP 1 #Login

Now its time to choose a password on the screen. Note that password must be strong enough. One more thing please note down the password somewhere in case you forget that.

Then the login screen will come up. Just use your password which is created previously. In the username fill “admin”. Now click on the “Login” button.

The screen will come up as below. Now you need to connect you DVR into the Dahua DVR software for PC free download. Click on the “Devices” then click on the “Add” button as shown in the screen.

STEP 2 # Add Device

In the next screen you need to fill the detail of the DVR/NVR or IP camera as you wish to watch on your PC. After filling the information click on the “Add” button as shown below.

Now your device is connected to the Dahua DVR software for PC free download. Check the status of the device, it should be green as shown the picture below.

STEP 3 # Check the Device status

STEP 4 #Watch the Live View

Now click on the “New” button as go to the “LiveView“.

Now you are able to see your cameras on your computer screen.


This is a very good software to watch your CCTV cameras on your PC. It has many features like device setting, remote Playback, Live monitoring, PTZ control, change the device addresses and so on. This is the free software provided by the Dahua Technology. Enjoy Dahua DVR software for PC free download on your PC.

So this is all about “Dahua DVR Software For PC Free Download“. We hope this information is helpful to you. If you have any query or suggestion regarding the CCTV on your PC please feel free to write us in the comment box below. Thank you for visiting us. Have a great day….

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Dvr Software For Pc

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What is the best Mac compatible CCTV DVR software? This is a questions that I have heard countless times since I started CCTV Camera Pros with my business partner. Being a Mac user myself, I have always sought out to find the best surveillance software and security systems that works well with Macintosh computers. My name is Mike Haldas. I am the co-founder of CCTV Camera Pros and I am in charge of the company’s product research and development.

When Greg and I started the company, we noticed that there were very few surveillance system manufacturers that were developing surveillance software for Mac users. Almost all of the security camera viewing software was based on Active X controls and only worked on Windows. Since that time, I have constantly been testing DVRs (stand-alone and PC based models) to find the ones that work best with Mac. I believe that we discovered the very best one – iDVR-PROs stand alone CCTV DVRs. The latest models are “hybrid” which means they support older analog CCTV cameras and the latest HD-over-Coax security cameras (AHD, HD-TVI, and HDCVI).

Here are some of the reasons why I love the new iDVR-PROs and the software apps used to monitor them (not just for Mac users, but for all users).

Easy to Use Software Interface

Software For Mac Free

Mac users expect the very best graphical user interfaces on the devices that they buy. We like things to be intuitive, easy to understand, and useful. The user Interface of the new iDVR-PRO CCTV DVRs is outstanding. Users can navigate the interface using the USB mouse or wireless remote control that is included. Watch the below video to see how easy the interface is to use.

1080p HD Security Camera View

The Mac software for iDVR-PRO surveillance DVRs now supports remotely viewing analog CCTV cameras and HD security cameras. Watch the below video to see a demo of viewing 1080p security cameras using the software. You can learn more about these hybrid HD security camera DVRs here.

Important Note: Click the gear icon in the lower right of the video player and 1080p resolution so that you can view the video in the highest resolution available.

Live Camera View from Mac Software

Everyone with a video surveillance system expects to be able to login remotely to view their security cameras live from over the Internet. It amazes me how some manufacturers still do not create client software for Mac users to do this, being that the global market share for Macintosh based PCs is growing.

The DVR viewer software for Mac that is included with the iDVR-PRO is excellent. Watch the below video to see me login to the DVR at our office from my MacBook Air laptop.

Recorded Surveillance Video Playback on Mac

In addition to the outstanding live camera viewing, the Macintosh software also supports remote search and playback of surveillance video footage that has been recorded to the DVRs hard drive. Using the DVR viewer software, users can also export segments of video and save them as MPEG-4 files that can be played back on any Mac or Windows PC using Quicktime or Windows media player.

DVR Viewer App for iOS

Most Mac users also use iPhones and iPads as their choice for mobile and tablet devices. The iOS app for iDVR-PRO security DVRs let users login to their DVR over WIFI, 3G, 4G, and LTE to view their cameras live. Like the desktop software, app also lets users search and playback recorded video footage from the DVR’s hard drive.

Request a demo

Would you like to login to an iDVR-PRO using the Mac software to test out the experience for yourself? You can also login from iPhone, iPad, Android, and Windows if you would like. Please click here to request a demo login.

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